Essential oils are highly concentrated and need to be used (and enjoyed) with some caution. Avoid contact with eyes. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool dark place. Many essential oils should be avoided during pregnancy and breast- feeding, pegnant women should check the suitability of an essential oil with their midwives or other health professional. They are not recommended for babies under 12 months. Some essential oils are not suitable for people with certain medical conditions e.g. epilepsy, high blood pressure, check with your health professional.
Essential oils should be diluted before use (exceptions are lavender and teatree which can be applied directly). For massage dilute at a rate of 1 drop of essential oil to 2 mls vegetable oil. Citrus oils (including Bergamot) should not be applied before exposure to the sun.
Some essential oils are toxic if ingested.
Many of our essential oils are certified organic.
Aniseed: Illicium verum Uplifting. May be helpful for bronchitis, coughs, indigestion and flatulence.Use sparingly with caution.
Basil: Ocimum basilicum Uplifting. Mental stimulant, aids concentration, anti-depressant, nerve tonic, settles digestion.
Bergamot: Citrus bergamia Uplifting- ideal room freshener. Antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-depressant, good for tension, all types of infections (including skin), psoriasis and nervous eczema, cold sores.
Cedarwood: Cedrus atlantica Calming and soothing, antiseptic, anti-fungal. Good for chest infections, acne, scalp disorders. Cleansing, general tonic. Perfume fixative.
Chamomile German: Matricaria chamomile 3% in Jojoba. Many qualities similar to Roman Chamomile; but generally thought to have a stronger anti inflammatory action and to also be particularly good for some skin disorders. It has a more pungent aroma than the Roman Chamomile; and when undiluted it is a beautiful dark blue colour.
Chamomile Roman: Chamaemelum nobile 3% in Jojoba. Certified organic . Calming, soothing, comforting, relaxing. Suitable for children in low doses. Helpful for insomnia, depression, digestive and hormonal systems, e.g. P.M.T., skin conditions. Anti-inflammatory. "Apple like" aroma.
Cinnamon: Cinnamomum zeylanium Uplifting, antiseptic. Tonic for respiratory and digestive systems. Helpful for fatigue and depression. Use in very low concentration.
Citronella: Cymbopogan nardus Natural insect repellent. Clearing, stimulating, and uplifting. Deodorant.
Clary Sage: Salvia sclarea Soothing, warming, relaxing. Euphoric and uplifting qualities. Anti-depressant, sedative (can cause drowsiness). Nerve tonic, combats excessive perspiration. Helpful for menstrual problems, menopause, and adjusting to changes in life, both physical and mental, pain and grief. Use in small doses.
Clove Bud: Eugenia caryophyllata Antiseptic, antibiotic, antiviral, anti-fungal, analgesic. Used for warts and verrucas, toothache, muscle pain, colds, flu, general exhaustion and recovery from infections. Use in small doses and with caution.
Cypress: Cupressus sempervirens Detoxifying, astringent, antiseptic, antispasmodic, purifying and generally relaxing and refreshing. Can improve varicose veins, cellulite, fluid retention, etc, and can help to decrease excessive perspiration. May help with inflamed gums, and as an insect repellent.
Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus globulus Invigorating, anti-infectious, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory. Good for colds, flu, sinus, bronchitis, muscular pain and rheumatism.
Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus radiata The Eucalyptus radiata oil is gentler and clearer smelling than the more common Eucalyptus globulus. It is an excellent inhalant and a good option for children and the sickroom. Invigorating, anti-infectious, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory. Good for colds, flu, sinus, bronchitis, muscular pain and rheumatism.
Frankincense: Available as both Boswellia carteri and Boswellia serrata Relaxing, elevating and soothing. Slows down breathing producing feelings of calm. Antiseptic, skin tonic. Helpful for respiratory problems including asthma. Aid to meditation and spiritual development. May assist in fight against some medical conditions.
Geranium: Pelargonium graveolens Refreshing and relaxing. Antiseptic, anti-depressant, and astringent. Good for circulatory and skin disorders, nervous fatigue, emotional balancing and female reproductive problems.
Ginger: Zingiber officinalis Stimulating and warming. Good for digestion, sore throats, colds, and coughs, nausea, and travel sickness. Cheering 'good in a rub for muscular problems, aches and pains.
Grapefruit: Citrus paradisi Uplifting and refreshing, Helpful for depression, liver and kidney problems, drug withdrawal and jet-lag.
Holy Basil - Tulsi: Ocimum sanctum Not to be used if epileptic. Warming and spicy aroma. It is energising and focusing while easing stress and anxiety. It is considered a purifier of mind body and spirit. It has strong antioxidant properties, and may aid respiratory conditions and fight infections. It may also help combat the effects of radiation, and it may assist in the fight against some medical conditions. It should only be used topically in a very weak dilution of 0.5% or less, as it can be irritating to skin. It is excellent in a vaporiser to purify the air, and to strengthen the immune system.
Jasmine: Jasminum grandiflorum Uplifting, relaxing. Confidence builder, aphrodisiac. Excellent for nervous tension, stress, depression, fertility and skin care.
Juniperberry: Juniperus Communis For detoxification of mind and body. Stimulates circulation and cleanses blood. For the digestive system after rich food and/or too much alcohol. It's purifying qualities have been used for both religious and medicinal purposes. It makes an ideal cleansing airspray. Other uses may include for cystitus, cellulitis, fluid retention, arthritis, cramps, rheumatism, etc.
Lavender: Lavender angustifolia Produces an essential oil with the best medicinal properties. Excellent treatment for burns, scalds, insect bites, acne, tension headaches, insomnia, nervous exhaustion, depression, etc. .Relaxing and soothing. Natural antiseptic.
Lavender: Lavender x Intermedia Has similar properties to Lavender angustifolia, can be particularly effective for scenting.
Lemon: Citrus limon Refreshing and uplifting. Antiseptic and astringent. Tonic. Good for colds, infections and fatigue, and circulatory system.
Lemongrass: Cymbopogan flexgosus Energising, stimulating, deodorising and cooling. For infections, headaches, respiratory problems. Insect repellent.
Lime: Citrus aurantifolia Refreshing, uplifting and activating. Excellent for anxiety. Tonic for immune system. Stimulates appetite. Tones and refreshes oily skin.
Mandarin: Citrus reticulata Cheering, uplifting and soothing. Mild sedative. Good for insomnia, depression, nervous tension. A gentle citrus. Suitable for children.
Manuka: Leptospermum Scoparium Kereru Manuka oil is sourced from the East coast and is known for producing the highest antimicrobial qualities. Antibiotic, anti-fungal, antiseptic, anti-infectious, For athlete's foot, ringworm, skin infections, colds, flu, sore throats, muscular pain, infections, burns, and wounds.
Marjoram: Thymus mastichina Warming and sedating. Analgesic, antiseptic. Good for bronchitis, colds, sore throats, and circulation. Good relaxant for muscle stiffness. Tonic.
Melissa: Melissa officinalis 3% in Jojoba. Refreshing but sedative and calming. Good for stomach cramps, menstrual pain, nausea, headaches and depression. Antiseptic, antibiotic and anti-viral.
Myrrh: Commiphora myrrha Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal. Rejuvenating and strengthening. Good for bronchitis, skin care, mouth ulcers.
Neroli: Citrus aurantium subspecies Cheering relaxing and soothing. Helpful for anxiety, depression and stress. Aphrodisiac. Good for dry skin. Sedative and tonic.
Orange: Citrus sinensis Cheering tonic for depression, anxiety, nervous conditions. Refreshing but sedative. Helpful for mouth ulcers. Creates a positive outlook.
Oregano: (Origanum vulgare) Renowned for it's antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, and antioxidant qualities. It can assist with parasitic infections e.g.giardia, can ward off insects, relieve bug bites - can help with respiratory and skin conditions, and muscular pain. This is a very strong oil, use with some caution, and dilute for application to skin. Palmarosa: Cymbopogon martinii Excellent "skin essential oil" being soothing, hydrating, and regenerative with balancing qualities.It is antiseptic and can help fight infection. It's pleasant rosy aroma is calming and uplifting and is an anti depressive.
Patchouli: Pogostemon patchouli Uplifting, centering, can be sedating in high doses 'earthy and oriental scent. Helpful for skin and scalp conditions, Aphrodisiac. Perfume fixative.
Palmarosa: (Cymbopogon martinii) Certified organic. Excellent "skin essential oil" being soothing, hydrating, and regenerative with balancing qualities.
It is antiseptic and can help fight infection. It's pleasant rosy aroma is calming and uplifting and is an anti depressive.
Peppermint: Mentha piperita Excellent digestive and decongestant. Helps respiratory and circulatory systems. Cooling and refreshing. Can be helpful for headaches and travel sickness Use in footbath for aching feet. Repels fleas.
Pine: Pinus sylvestris Refreshing and stimulating. Antiseptic, anti-infectious, astringent. Good for rheumatism, muscular pain, bronchial infection, colds, coughs, asthma and sinuses. Refreshing and therapeutic in bath.
Rose 3% in jojoba: Rosa damoscena Absolute. Rose India (pure) also available. Relaxing, soothing, and sensual. Used for skin care, especially dry, sensitive, or mature skin, stress, insecurity, tension, the female reproductive and circulation systems - a general tonic. Also for grief or loss.
Rose Geranium: Pelargonium graveolens Rose Geranium has rose type notes and is softer than our Geranium essential oil. Refreshing and relaxing. Antiseptic, anti-depressant, and astringent. Good for circulatory and skin disorders, nervous fatigue, emotional balancing and female reproductive problems.
Rosemary: Rosmarinus officinalis Invigorating and stimulating for mental and physical activities. Warming. Excellent for memory, hair tonic, muscular conditions and circulation.
Sage: Salvia officinalis Antiseptic, tonic. May aid reproductive, digestive, and respiratory systems. Helpful for pain and grief. Use in low doses with caution. Clary Sage is a safer option.
Sandalwood: Santalum album Relaxing and regenerating. Aphrodisiac. Antiseptic. Good for bronchitis, coughs, sore throats, dry skin, anxiety, and nervous tension. Tonic.
Spearmint: Mentha spicata Uplifting. Is more gentle than peppermint oil. Relieves fatigue and improves concentration. Cooling for tired feet. Useful for digestive problems, nausea and in a mouthwash.
Teatree: Melaleuca alternifolia Strong antiseptic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal. Good for acne, cold sores, bites and itching. Excellent mouthwash (not to be swallowed), bronchial and nasal congestion. Good immuno-stimulant.
Thyme (white): Thymus vulgaris Antibiotic, expectorant, antiseptic, anti-infectious, antiviral, anti-fungal, stimulating tonic. For all infections including throat and gum, colds, flu and coughs, general debility, verucas and warts. Excellent for the sick room. Use with caution.
Ylang-ylang: Cananga odorata forma genuina Relaxing and soothing. Sedative, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, calming. Good for nervousness, exhaustion, depression.
Vanilla Oleoresin: Vanilla Pianifolia Comforting and relaxing. Can help to dissipate grief. Used in perfumery and bodycare products.